Popshap Industry Showcase

Popshap digital has quickly become one of the industry’s top interactive display suppliers. Their customer focused solutions mentality meets the needs of exhibitors and event managers around the world. From high quality products, to innovative and creative developers, the Popshap product line offers many benefits unmatched by other providers. Creative Imaging Displays is proud to offer most Popshap products on our website so our customers have direct access to this great product line. However, Popshap and interactive displays in general are more than a product. In the world of digital displays, customer service and software development is key in creating the best interactive display experience. Let’s dive into the Popshap Industry Showcase to find out more about this company and how partnering with Creative Imaging Displays can offer your business an advantage at your next show!

Popshap Industry Showcase


Benefits of Renting Digital Displays

In 2024, Digital and Interactive displays appear at every trade show and in most booth spaces. It can look as simple as an iPad on a stand or a fully interactive charging station. Additionally, you might find self serve kiosks and lockers on the show floor! Beyond trade shows, these displays are common at McDonald’s and other major corporate retailers, banks, and museums. However, digital displays bring in new considerations to consider with your visual communication marketing. When talking trade shows, digital displays must be packaged and shipped carefully to avoid damage. Unlike a booth, where a damaged piece of extrusion is inexpensive and simple to replace, a damaged digital display can render it useless. Additionally, technology and software updates can prove daunting or impossible to maintain without an IT person. This is exactly why most digital displays are rentals! Lets go over the benefits of renting digital displays!

Benefits of Renting Digital Displays


Classic Exhibits Industry Showcase

Classic Exhibits was founded in 1993 and is currently one of the top exhibit producers in the USA. This is no accident. Continuous investment into new technology and display structures keeps Classic Exhibits ahead of the game and a favorite in the exhibits industry. Working through a network of distributors like Creative Imaging Displays, Classic Exhibits reaches all major cities in the USA and the world. They are also involved in many efforts to improve the overall industry. We discussed The Exhibitor Advocate and The Exhibitors Conference Alliance in previous blogs to highlight many efforts to improve our industry. Classic Exhibits works with many organizations like this to advocate for exhibitors and brings cohesion into the industry. The Classic Exhibits Industry Showcase will dive deep into this great company to provide insight and context to how they became one of the most revered manufacturers in the industry!

Classic Exhibits Industry Showcase


Combining Rentals and Purchases for the Perfect Booth

A new trend is starting in the trade show industry that is taking ROI to a new level! The combination of renting and purchasing portable marketing displays is maximizing exhibitors ability to customize a booth, while keeping costs down. For example, a tower display is a great product to purchase and use at every trade show. Purchasing a booth and using it for years is the best solution for ROI. However, using the same display products for years can leave your booth stagnant and uninteresting. Renting a high end custom counter can add a fresh, high-end look to your booth for minimal upfront cost. With a rental you can change the design for every show. This allows your company to have a new look at every show, without the upfront investment! Let’s find out why Combining Rentals and Purchases for the Perfect Booth is the way to go!

Combining Rentals and Purchases for the Perfect Booth


5 Ways to Get Noticed at Outdoor Events

It’s halfway through the summer marketing season of 2024, while for some it is just getting started! July is when it starts feeling like summer to many parts of the US, Canada, and northern Europe. While in the south, new businesses are discovering that outdoor marketing is a great way to attract new customers. Regardless if you are just starting your outdoor marketing efforts or if you are in the full swing of these, this blog is for you! The goal of any event is getting noticed. In a sea of booths, businesses, and banners it can be a challenge to stand out. That is why we are discussing 5 Ways to Get Noticed at Outdoor Events in today’s post! Some of these may seem like common sense, while others seem off the wall. Let’s dive into some expert advice and see if it will increase your ROI for outdoor events!

5 Ways to Get Noticed at Outdoor Events
