Making a Lasting Impression

Nowadays it is harder than ever to find loyal customers. In the 20th century most business was done face to face. Everyone knew each other and made business deals in person. However in today’s society with social networking and online shopping, it’s harder than ever to find customers and keep them coming back. Making a lasting impression is difficult. The age of knowing every customer who walks through the door is over. However, there are ways to keep loyal clientele. The best thing about having loyal customers is word of mouth. Word of mouth promotions lead to even more loyal customers in the future.

One motto I have heard several times is “Work hard and be nice to people.” That one mantra can change the outlook for any company in the customer service field; because that one simple idea is the real reason customers stick around. This determines the success or failure of your business. Dr. Rosanne D’Ausilio, an industrial psychologist, president of Human Technologies Global, Inc. and author of “Customer Service and The Human Experience,” said it will help any business succeed. D’Ausilio believes “that people are people, and regardless of the business’ size, it is all about the mission of the company and being dedicated to their customers.”

Making a Lasting Impression
