At Creative Imaging Displays we continuously offer the best products available to our customers so they can experience success at their trade shows. Part of our effort to offer the best service in the industry is offering logistical and product alternatives for our entire product line. What does that mean? Our network extends to production facilities throughout the US. That means we can get you products faster and less expensive than our competitors, even if a particular product is out of stock. A perfect example right now is the production delay from Makitso USA. Makitso operates a print shop out of China to fulfill custom printed products for their product line. As a distributor of Makitso products, we can attest that the print shop in China is comparable to quality and speed of many US printers. However, China has national holidays throughout the year which interrupt production.
Production will be delayed by 1 week on all printed Makitso products from 10/1 – 10/8. For many customers this production delay could mean your product will not arrive in time for the show. Not to worry! Creative Imaging Displays has you covered with alternative available products from other USA suppliers. That means we can get you a similar product within your tight timeframe. Additionally, we can pair you with a product that ships relatively close to your location to save on shipping time and cost. You can find a link on each page of our site that will direct you to our recommended alternative product for any Makitso display.
CIDisplays offers alternatives during the Makitso production delay
Our network of display providers combined with our logistical expertise sets Creative Imaging Displays apart from other marketing display providers. Our product line and service capability provides our customers with every resource needed to create a successful trade show. The Creative Imaging Displays blog offers some of the best advise, tips, and infographics in the industry. Choose Creative Imaging Displays as your partner for all marketing events to level up your company!